Week Two: Problem

This Week’s Video


Bottom Lines

  • Jesus raised the behavioral standard so high that no one could make a passing grade.

  • God is on an endless pursuit to restore his relationship with sinners.

  • Jesus never minimized the seriousness of sin, but he did not condemn sinners.


Weekly Win

The win for week two is for participants to realize they are more than "mistakers," that they are, in fact, "sinners" according to the biblical definition; that sin is the "problem" that must be resolved if we are to have the relationship with God we were intended to have.


Additional Resources

Johns 8:1-11
Luke 23:32–43
Romans 3:23
Colossians 3:23
Psalm 19:12–14
Mark 2:1–12
Genesis 1:26–27

Read: What is Sin? by Norton Herbst
Read:  Ask It by Andy Stanley
Read: The Magicians Nephew by C.S. Lewis
Watch: A Poverty of Love (2 minutes)
Watch: Reading the Bible by Andy Stanley (7 minutes)
Watch: Free by Andy Stanley