Thank you for choosing to lead.
You, the leaders, are the most important component of the Starting Point environment. Since Starting Point is designed to be a series of conversations, it’s essential to have leaders who are comfortable facilitating discussions.
Group members are free to ask questions and have frank and open discussions about faith. That’s radically different from Sunday school or most other small groups. It takes some getting used to. Starting Point New Leader Orientation (NLO) is designed to help you lead well in a dynamic environment.

What does a typical NLO group session look like?
Social (10 minutes): Unstructured time when you connect relationally and talk about what’s going on in your lives
Study and Discussion (60 minutes) : Conversation time based on the discussion questions and scenarios in this guide
Prayer (5 minutes) : Time to pray for your leadership and the people who will join your Starting Point groups
Additional Resources
Leader Orientation Guide
Story Cards
The Five Faith Thresholds
What is the Moral Circle?