Common tensions with faith
Hasn’t science made faith irrelevant?
Rational Universe
John Dickson Interviews Ard Louis
God Science
John Dickson Interviews John Lennox
How could a loving God and a world full of pain and sorrow exist at the same time?
Why is There Suffering in the World?
By Andy Stanley
Suffering: If God is Good, Why is There Suffering?
By Timothy Keller
The Problem of Pain
By C.S. Lewis
Isn’t the Bible full of inconsistencies and contradictions?
Bible Mistakes
John Dickson Interviews Craig Blomberg
Has the Bible Been Corrupted?
By Ben Stuart
Don’t all religions lead to the same place?
Exclusivity: How Can There Be Just One True Religion?
By Timothy Keller
Is God a Pluralist?
From The Gospel Coalition
Hasn’t religion caused more harm in the world than good?
Who Needs God, Part 1
By Andy Stanley
Has Christianity Caused More Harm Than Good?
From Starting Point